Sunday, June 22, 2008

Where's Doug?

I haven't posted for quite a while, as you two or three people who read this blog might have noticed. This is not because I have stopped posting, or even stopped having opinions (that'll be the day); rather it is because I am currently blogging at an experimental site that is a sub-site of Salon: Open Salon. I'm doing this because I'm an arrogant dweeb, and think that posts there will get a wider distribution than here.

I would direct the three (or however many) of you to head on over there. The site is currently in Beta and is thus (ironically) not "open," but you can sign up easily if you want, and it shortly will be open.

In the meantime, I'll be posting there rather than here. Just so's you know.


Perry said...

Ah,the joy of beta testing. After you sign up, you are informed that your application will be approved at some later date, when they are able to let more users onto the system.

If you post only on Open Salon, those of us without accounts will be experiencing, at least temporarily, a Blather blackout.

(Hi Doug!)

Becky said...

You know, I'd love it if I were smart enough to sign in as me, and not as Perry.

Douglas Moran said...

You mean someone other than my mom reads this blog? Who knew?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure LOADS of other people read your blog, dear. Anyway - that's the main way I can keep track of you.